Ocasio Green New Deal

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We Need to Elect Politicians in 2020 Who Will Pass a Green New Deal Bill in 2021

We join movements like Sunrise and Justice Democrats in firmly advocating for a Green New Deal bill to be passed in 2021 by a climate-friendly (and realistic) U.S. President and Congress. We also have an opportunity to implement a transformative, historic economic mobilization to solve climate change - one that provides good-paying green jobs, economic growth, and fairness to all. A comprehensive environmental and climate justice program that's ambitious, pragmatic, moral, and human.

The Green New Deal was first introduced by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts on Feb. The goals of the Green New Deal are achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. IV 116TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. 109 Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FEBRUARY 7, 2019 Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ (for herself, Mr.


Ocasio Cortez Speech Green New Deal

Below we include the full text of the current 2019 Green New Deal Resolution from Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D - NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D - MA). We believe AOC and Markey's vision is the right way forward on climate policy (with the potential for further refining and improvement between now and 2021), but we're providing a copy of the full resolution here so you can read it and decide for yourself (for a more phone-friendly version, click here):

If you're with us, we believe it's time for unified, inspired action to create the public awareness and political pressure around climate change that elects Democrats in 2020 who will pass a Green New Deal.

Ocasio Cortez Markey Green New Deal

Understand What's at Stake

33 Senate seats are up for re-election in 2020, including 22 Republican seats. These elections will determine the laws passed in Congress, including a Green New Deal. In addition, we need to elect a president who will take decisive action on climate justice and sign GND into law.

Register to Vote

We can help you register to vote right now in 2 minutes or less with our online tool.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Bio

We can also get you or a friend started when you text 'VOTE' to 774-541-1112.

Take Action on Climate Justice

We also have a searchable database of progressive climate actions, events, and volunteer opportunities across the U.S. (and Europe too), including Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, and the 350.org coalition. Every time you complete a measurable act of good through Brightest, we plant a tree as a personal thank you to double your climate impact.

Momentum is on Our Side

Now that we've flipped the U.S. House and made key state-level legislative gains across the U.S., we now have the power (and a platform) to bring progressive, working class ideals, fairness, equality, and humanity back to Washington, D.C. by finishing what we started and passing a Green New Deal into law in 2021.

Ocasio Green New Deal

It's critically important we continue to organize and harness the anger and frustration we all feel about climate change into tangible, grassroots action and constructive political coalitions. That's why we've worked hard at Brightest to curate the best ways you can get involved and support progressive and and Democratic efforts in every state to pass GND.

Ocasio Green New Deal

Ocasio Green New DealGreen new deal fact sheetOcasio cortez markey green new deal

Ocasio 2018

Don't just read the news and alarming scientific studies - let's respond, work together, and do something about it. And if you have any questions or don't know where to start, please get in touch - we're all in this together and we're here to help you.