Casino Cups X Reader Wattpad

Posted onby admin

This is a new “Collection” I do because it’s fun and I like the Reader’s Inserts. For this Insert, I will write drabbles & One-shots about the pairings you will ask me. Every pairing must be Character x reader OR Character x Reader x Character. Pairings I wrote until now: - Mr. Wheezy x Female! Reader x Mangosteen. The Devil x Female.

{ This is a request I’ve received on Wattpad.

For those who don’t know, I’ve a Wattpad account and you can follow me there if you want.

Casino cups x reader wattpad reader

I had fun writing this and so here we go!

This story takes place after the good ending and the Devil has been defeated and Dice finds out something about his past. }

Reader by VioletBryan. More information #wattpad #fanfiction Just some one-shots, probably made later into a story book through the life of the baby reader through infant, child, teen, and adulthood under the watchful eyes of your father the Devil and your two brothers Cups and Mugs with the rest of the Casino family. You were the Barista at the devils casino. You always gave the best drinks to gamblers that drowned themselves and sorrow and greed. Your boss, the devil himself, has made sure everybody pay if no one followed his rules. No Archive Warnings Apply; Handsome Jack (Borderlands)/Reader; Handsome Jack (Borderlands) Original Female Character(s) Reader; short fic; Summary. The reader is a skilled soldier and assassin who proved out to be the best in the Hyperion corporation, only to raise Jack's interest for a possible plan he has in regards to destroying the Vault Hunters and the Crimson Raiders.


CHARACTERS: King Dice & Daughter! Child! Reader
RATING: Sfw, family, fluff, introspective. ♚

Every battle has been fought and every bet lost.

Inkwell found its serenity again and no demoniac creature was about to ruin the placid days of this enchanting city because two bold cups watched over it.

Peace came for everyone even if someone did not change its own bad attitude but, at least, everyone found its own freedom and nobody was under the evil control of the malefic Devil. He also came back to the underworld where he belonged and now his Casino seemed to be left to the chaos and loneliness but the Devil was not the only sneaky man of this vast land and maybe troubles were not over yet.

In fact, today it was managed by another sinister character who once was called as “the Devil right-hand man” and actually, King Dice was glad to take his boss’ place but with a little reluctance. He showed up the professionalism of everyday and he acted as if nothing bad happened. He also did not try to mess with the little cup brothers because, inside of his wicked heart, he knew they could become two great allies of his and one day he could have aspired to something grander than a mere Casino and to possess something more value. It took time, but he knew those two little brothers were not as innocent as they appeared and with time and determination, he would have been able to stain their pure souls, making them the perfect sinners and slaves he needed.

Dice’s soul was already damned so any decision he would have taken could have not changed his doomed fate. Maybe one day he would have his sweet revenge.

This was one of the reasons that made him took this decision but the reasons were more than one.

After the war against the Devil, his life changed drastically and he also recalled things he thought he had forgotten but life was able to surprise even the craziest men like him.

It was a detail, he could not ignore, maybe it could have ruined his plan of glory but it was not actually a real problem and he could handle it… Maybe it was a new chance fate gave him to find some serenity in this mad and mysterious world.

In all his life, he never took a single break even if he was too devoted to his job and ambitions to think about other lives or different chances. Even if this chance was the most absurd that life could ever donate him but it was also the most fascinating.

This chance was a real person called (Y/N), a little girl his mind had forgotten, but now his memories were coming back to life. It was a surprise but he decided to stay lucid and he has never confessed to this girl that he was her father. Nobody in Inkwell had to know this truth because this city was still filled with predators and enemies and the less things people knew the more he could proceed with his diabolical plans.

It was as if he had a debt with this little girl, because the Devil had pushed her away from Dice’s life. Every debt had to be pay and he was not so ruthless to abandon his alleged daughter. For once in his life, he decided to act for the good and give to this girl an opportunity because life has not been gentle with her. Until now, she has always lived in an Orphanage and she did not know a lot about life. She was still young and unaware of the dangers this world hid.

Maybe it would have been a chance of redemption for him, but he was not that sure about it, because the sins he committed were so many and his nature was still the one of a sinner. This world could not be totally black or white, just like his heart and so he did not need to justify his action, it was more an instinct than a logical decision. It was an irrational impulse.

One day, Dice instructed his men to find this girl and to adopt her. It was not a thing he did personally since showing himself to the crowd was not a wise action to do especially now that he wanted to become the king of Inkwell. Everyone had to think he was good enough to adopt a little child but not even so fool to risk his own life and, most of all, people should have not suspected about the real identity of this kid.

Coldness was a part of his personality that he did not lose because several times emotion brought people to act fool and take the wrong decisions. He asked himself if this girl was actually lucky in having a father like him, since before being a father, and he has never been before, he was a businessman and these were two different reality. He had to find a solution not to make them collide to each other and find an equilibrium.

Dice’s henchmen arrived early in the morning. Strangely, the ex-personal of the Casino kept its own role and everyone decided to stay with him –and this was something he would never have expected and maybe his crew was more loyal than he imagined. Some of them did not want to lose their job, they had no other place to go, it was a job they already knew, and so it would have been stupid to go away. While some of them were actually affectionate to this life, they were sinners and it was still their home, they could not abandon this Casino since it was a great part of their life so things were not changed a lot. This was another stroke of luck and it seemed Lady Luck finally came shining again in his life.



This girl was very similar to Dice, but not as much similar to make people think she could be his lost daughter and nobody in this world would have ever imagined a man like Dice could have children. It was something hilarious, stranger than a frozen hell, so his plane of glory was safe.

She was a very curious and exuberant girl, she ran through the Casino’s corridors and even the staff considered her as a friend. She befriended most of the employees and it was something extraordinary. She has never had a real home, nobody has never considered her as her friend so she was truly glad all these people saw her as a member of this family. Yes, this was a very odd family made of shady characters but it was still her family and she accepted them the way they were.

She was very grateful to Dice, even if he often acted cold and she did not see him so much because he was busy with his job and time could not be wasted to babysit a child, but she knew there was something good in his heart. Everybody defined him as a trickster, a man who only worshiped money and was unable to feel feelings of compassion and benevolence but she knew there was more than that. Maybe even his heart got sweeter thanks to her because she was so innocent and cheerful that all his anxieties vanished instantly.

One day, while she was playing at the park, she’s been caught by the beauty of some fresh flowers that shined brighter than the sun. She could not resist so she picked them up, she wanted to donate a colourful bouquet to her benefactor, she called Dice in this way, and she thought these flowers could make his office more homey and scented and maybe they could cheer him up. She just wanted to thank him for having help her and take her with him. If it was not for him, she was still crying in that dirty and ugly orphanage. Her life now was brighter thanks to this man, and she was able to see a future before her, a future that yesterday she was even afraid to imagine.

With an enormous smile on her face, the little girl knocked on the door of Dice’s office, waiting for him to give her the permission to come in. Dice cared a lot about her education and he always wanted her to act like a lady, even if she was more a lot like a brat but he found she adorable anyway even if he has never told this to her and he actually was very austere and severe with her daughter and with all his employees.

“Come on in.” he said while he was busy reading some dossiers and he has not even realized she was the one who knocked at his door.

“Good Morning, Sir!” she said cheerfully holding a big bouquet. It was so big that she was completely hid by it and then King showed a little smile because this scene was funny.

“Oh, dear. Such a good surprise. Is everything fine?” he asked, placing his dossiers in a drawer.

“I’m perfectly fine, thanks! And these are for you!” she was so excited that she could not hide her gift and these flowers were too beautiful to deny. He stood up and he helped her with that bouquet, which was about to fall over her tiny face.

“Oh, did you pick up all these flowers? For me?” he asked, amused.

“Yes, Sir. I found a fantastic garden, it’s huge and there are flowers of every kind! Do you like them?” she asked, smiling and she was unable to contain her excitement.

“I’m impressed, darling. They’re very enchanting, thanks!” he reciprocated her sweet smile and seeing his baby so happy made him glad. It was a feeling he has never felt before and it was relaxing as if his soul still beat in his chest and he could not believe a little girl could pacify him this way. It was something miraculous, even if he did not believe in miracles but it was marvellous and for the first time in his life, he felt truly loved. Maybe his existence was not that damned and he still had a chance of redemption and one day he would have been able to make her become the real princess of Inkwell.

{ I blocked myself with this fict but it is completed now!
I like this one and this kind of reader in particular. I’ve realized, all my readers have always some inner demon that afflicts them.

There is a part where I’ve imagined the Reader became a sort of Super Sayan.
Actually, I was laughing writing that part even if it was supposed to be a serious moment. }

Pairing: Cuphead x Kind! Devil’s Daughter! Reader
Raiting: SFW, Fluff + a little Agnst

~ My Special Friend ;


Every day, all the time, patrons arrived and left withor without their souls.

This was making you sick because you were not made forthis life. This was not your dream and ambition.

All the people here said it was written in your blood.This was your fate and you could not escape from it.

You were not a simple citizen of Inkwell; you weredifferent from every other person. It was not a privilege but only a misfortunebecause you have never asked for something like this. Every man and woman wereborn free. Free to decide their life and to take their own decisions, to maketheir own mistakes. Everybody but you.

You were the daughter of the most terrible and evilestcreature of this world.

You came from the flames of Hell. From the place wheresouls burnt and all the hopes were lost.

In your veins flowed the same blood of the Devil soyou were supposed to be evil, merciless. Hated by every person of thismiserable world.

Nevertheless, you were not evil and not even cruel ormerciless because you were the definition of benevolence. Sometimes, even theDevil did not understand where you came from. Your kindness made him confused. Youwere his biggest delusion. His wicked heart got broken every time he saw youacting so kind with his employees.

One day, the Devil ordered you to punish one of hisworkers but you refused to do this thing because there was no reason to be meanwith an innocent person. You just found your father’s methods too drastic andmaybe he had to change the approach he used with his employers and maybe theywould not have broken the rules anymore.

After that day, the Devil just wanted to give up onyou, he felt so dishonoured having a little angel as daughter. It wasinconceivable!

Something positive still existed in being the Devil’sdaughter because you had the chance to have access to a particular knowledge. Aknowledge that was forbidden for every individual in Inkwell.

The school you frequented was very special. There, youlearnt everything about black magic and potions. You were able to mutate yourform becoming everything you desired. There was not anything you could not doand you were truly talented in the art of magic. You would have been thegreatest evil witch if you were not so soft. This was another thing the Devilcould not tolerate. You were just a waste of talent. All this potential usedfor good was such a shame.

You used your magic to mutate your normal form in aless demoniac one, so you could pass for a normal Inkwell’s citizen. You learntthis trick at your special school. Nobody was able to recognize you, sinceeverything that belonged to the Devil of your appearance disappeared. You werevery similar to him: your head was crowned by a pair of horns; your fur was bushyand as black as coal; you had a long tail that grew on your lower back. Everytime you looked yourself in the mirror, you saw your father and you were evenunable to identify yourself. Actually, you did not hate your dad but you wantedto follow your heart and be free to express yourself. Those mental chains were sotight and you just felt suffocated.

Walking through Inkwell in those features would bringyou in serious trouble because nobody wanted to have to deal with the Devil’s daughterso you had no other choice than masking yourself.

It was just like a game, a way to be someone else asif you were playing a part. You considered yourself as an actress who changedher role at every show. “Lie” was such a horrible word so you convinced yourselfyou were acting and not actually lying to your father and all the people youmet.

There was no way someone would ruin your perfect daybecause you were determinate enough to have fun and to know new people in thishuge and lively city.

While you were walking across the alleys of the town,a certain person captured your attention. You have been –literally- forced to runinto him because he just crashed against you. This boy was running like a foolwithout watching the street in front of him. Some men were chasing after him soyou could understand this boy got himself in trouble.

After the crash, the two of you fell on the ground andthen your mind realized something. You have already seen this little boysomewhere else. It was impossible to forget someone with his features and face.His head was a big cup from which came out a striped straw. He wore a pair ofred short and he seemed very hurry to go away until you took his hand runningthrough the wall. You just disappeared beyond the wall as if it was a normaldoor.

Thanks to magic, you were able to do impossible things.

As if you and Cuphead were teleported away, you andhim found yourself in the park, a total different place. The expression on thepoor Cuphead’s face was stunned because he could not believe in what wasalready happened! This was amazing and odd at the same time.

He squinted his eyes, finding his rationality again, “Oh,golly!” this was the only sentence he was able to pronounce.

His expression was so silly that you laughed, and thenyou introduced yourself shaking his hand. After have told him your name, you winkedsaying, “You should be the famous Cuphead! Am I wrong?” a confident smile neverleft your face as you appeared as a sort of seer in his eyes. You were as aprodigious mage of mysteries and he was still a child so these things impressedhim a lot. The fact that you were as young as he made everything more extraordinary.

Cuphead was surprised but he felt flattered youalready knew his name… Did you say he was famous?

His reputation preceded him because everyone told aboutCuphead’s adventures and you heard his name pronounced even by your father whoalways cursed the little cup and the Devil had his personal reasons to hateCuphead. All the enemies of your father were certainly your friends and youfound this cup too adorable to deny to him your sympathy.

“I’m not actually that famous.” Said Cuphead,scratching the back of his head.

“ Didn’t you beat the devil in person?” you askedraising your voice.

“Oh, well… We can say I made him crying like a littlegirl!” his tone became smugger as he pumped himself.

“It’s cool, man!” you nodded, chuckling while you wereimagining your father crying like a little girl.

“Yeah! And what about you? I’ve never seen you roundhere!” asked Cuphead.

“Ah, I’m a tourist. I live in another Island you don’teven know.” the mysterious aura that surrounded you attracted him a lot. His sensestold him you were different from all the other people. You had somethingspecial he could not explain to himself.

“Are you a sort of magician? What you did before wastotally… Awesome!” he raised his hands up, without finding the proper words todefine his sense of surprise.

“Oh, that? It’s a little trick, it’s not a big deal!”you shake your shoulders.

“What? You have crossed the wall! That was totally abig deal” it was not the first time he saw a trick like this but the thoughtthat you could be a sort of evil creature did not cross his mind. You were notevil but you were still related to the creature that represented the absoluteevil.


With Cuphead, you were able to be your true self; hejust appreciated you as a person. He thought you were cool with all those magictricks you were able to do. You were also a very gentle and confident person.Despite your big talent, you have never been arrogant, this was something he likedabout you.

Your friendship with Cuphead became stronger day byday and you just did not want to come back home. So many days had passed sinceyour fugue from the Devil’s Casino and not even one time you felt a sentimentof nostalgia toward that demoniac place. It was not your home, it would havenever been. Your home was where your heart was, and your heart started beatingagain thanks to this little cup. Your heart belonged to him and you would havenever turned back to your miserable old life.

Every dream is designed to vanish when the light ofthe new day appeared. When the reality came back vivid and ruthless. Thisreality was even worse than every nightmare your mind could create.

A terrible feeling made you anxious; you just couldnot feel safe anywhere you go. Someone was chasing after you.

“Something wrong?” asked Cuphead, noting how you were distracted.


“Uhm… It’s fine… I guess…” you answered with a sad toneof voice.


“Ah, it’s not fine. Spit it out!” his expressionbecame serious all of sudden and you have never seen Cuphead so severe before.Even his tone of voice was austere.

“Uhm…” you just looked down, sighing.

You did not want to confess the truth, which you werethe Devil’s daughter. The daughter of his archenemy. Cuphead would have hatedyou after this revelation.

Every time you revealed your true identity, people ranaway without giving you the chance to explicate that you were not like yourfather. You did not want to hurt them. You just desired being their friend. Atthis thought, tears of sorrow started falling from your eyes.

“No, everythig’s fine… But you wouldn’t understandanyway. Nobody would!” and then you ran away leaving the poor Cuphead speechless.

“What I wouldn’t understand!? Come back here!” Cupheadscreamed but you were already disappeared beyond another wall.

This cup was a very tenacious cup. He was going tofind you, no matter if he had to sift through every corner of Inkwell. You werehis best friend –or even something more- and his heart broke the moment he saw youcrying.


In the meantime, you were running away from someferocious monsters who were hunting you. They were the henchmen of your fatherand they were too powerful for you. Your magic was not strong enough to fightthem.

“Help! Somebody help me, please!” you screamed at thetop of your lungs.

The streets were desert and your legs were tremblingas you ran without a destination.

You felt like a stupid child lost in her daydreams. Ina world that would have never became your reality because your fate was alreadywritten. Escaping from it was impossible!

You had to give up before the situation would getworse and the rage of your father would reach the highest levels of intolerance.

It was hopeless and you had no other choices thangiving up. Accepting your miserable fate.

You did not even possess a soul. How could you thinkto be like everybody else? If your soul and your life belonged to your father.Your destiny was always the same. There was no reason to dream anymore.

You had to become as infamous as this life. Let yourheart filled in black, following the evil path leaving your golden wishesbehind.

“No! Leave her alone!” a familiar voice screamed.

You recognized Cuphead who ran toward your direction. Hiseyes were tinted of rage and insanity. No way would he leave you in theclutches of those horrible monsters.

Cuphead fought against them with all his strength and,despite his determination, it was still a mismatch because he was still alittle cup.

A mysterious power started flowing through your veins andyou remembered you were still the Devil’s daughter so you could not be thatweak. You had some hidden power that had to be showed. This was the right timeto show to them your true capacities. Nobody messes with the Devil’s daughter!

The thought that those horrible men could hurt yourCuphead drove you crazy. It was something primal, a demoniac power that wasdormant in your guts. Now it woke up. They were going to pay for their misdeeds.

Your vision blacked out and the flames of Hellsurrounded you and all your body was a tingle as you changed your form becominga majestic and ferocious creature that did not belong to this planet. EvenCuphead was paralyzed seeing how you were mutating in front of his eyes.

Your horns reached the heights of the sky as your furgrew up longer and blacker. It became a bunch of tentacles that surrounded themonster’s bodies. They were squeezed by their grip until their bones cracked.

A sinkhole appeared under their feet and they havebeen sucked by the ground made of lava and stone until they disappeared intothe oblivion.

Casino Cups X Reader Wattpad

Your breaths were heavy and your heart pumped in yourchest as a drum.

Cramps took possession of your body as you becameweaker because you were not used to all this power. Your energy was loweringuntil you fainted returning to your original form.

At this vision, Cuphead just freaked out and he couldnot believe his eyes. You were a demon, and he was afraid you could hurt himbut a voice in his mind told him not to run away because that demon was stillyou, the person who saved his life.

You were a demon but you were as gentle as an angel. Hewas able to perceive the softness in your heart and the fear that crossed yourbody since you were shivering in your sleep.

After some while, you woke up and the little cup wasthe first thing you saw.

“Hey, you finally woke up!” his expression was soworried and your head just hurt.

“C-Cuphead?” a smile appeared on your face and youwere just glad to see him.

You did not know what to say, how to explain what wasalready happened. Then, you realized your mask was vanished and Cuphead was contemplatingyour true form. The one you hated with all your heart.

“I’m so sorry…” you started crying, hiding your facefull of shame and distress since you felt so guilty.

“What?” Cuphead fell from the clouds.

You kept crying so he spoke again, placing his handson your shoulders gently, “Please, don’t cry! It’s all right. Those monsters disappeared!You just kicked their buns like a pro!” he said with enthusiasm. He did notseem angry, at all. Actually, Cuphead was truly impressed.

“Are you not mad at me?” you asked.

“What? Why should I?” he said, confused.

“I lied to you and you risked to be injured because ofme!” your vision became wet as your tears fell down. With a gentle gesture, hedried your tears caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.

“Ah, that’s silly! Danger is my second name! And youare my friend, I couldn’t leave you alone” he took a pause, “You’ve alreadysaved me once, don’t you remember?”. The first time the two of you met, youhelped Cuphead, getting him to safety.

“Oh… Yes…”, you sighed.

“I’d never be mad at you, ok?” he smiled softly.

Despite his sweet words, you still felt sad becauseyou have not confessed the truth yet. The fact that you were the Devil’s daughter.

“There’s something else. You are watching me in mytrue form… Aren’t you disgusted? I’m a monster, not so different from thoseevil creatures who were chasing after me!” your voice trembled and speaking wasso difficult that your throat itched.

“You’re telling a lot of absurdity today. You’re not a monster! You’re just…” you spokebefore he could finish his sentence, “The Devil’s daughter. That’s what I am!”

Your secret has been confessed and you were not goingto blame Cuphead if he did not want to be your friend anymore. Before you couldthink about the worst, he started laughing as if he had heard the funniest jokeof his life.

“Oh, golly! That’s all? Actually I thought you weresomething weird but cool as well. I should have imagined by seeing your form. Idon’t care about it!” he smiled, tenderly.

“Really?” you still could not believe.

“Yes! You’re not like him. You’re gorgeous and he don’teven deserve a daughter like you.” his cheeks became as red as his short.

Casino Cups X Reader Wattpad Reader

“Oh, I’m glad… I truly care about you, Cuphead. You’rethe only one in this world who accepts me for who I am. My father says I’m toosoft, he’s just so ashamed having a daughter like me. While all the otherpeople I tried to befriend kicked me out when I told them the truth…”

Naruto X Reader Wattpad

Cuphead embraced you tightly, and you could perceivehis warmth and affection and for the first time in your life, you were notashamed of yourself. You were not hiding or running away. You felt loved andaccepted in his arms and he felt the same way in yours. For the first time inyour existence, you felt at home.